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*** Update: In addition to the steps I talk about in the video you should also pray asking The Creator to give you The Holy Spirit and let you be born again of The Spirit and let you into The Narrow Gate*

 I created because I could not think of anything more important than being allowed into Heaven, so I wanted to provide my evidence that The Creator exists and show you the ways I have found to be saved, which would also prevent satan from taking control of your life, and allow you to enter Heaven when that time comes.

If you know anyone who has not been willing to receive or believe the usual types of evangelism, but might be open to watching the first 3 minutes of this video to find out how to be saved, or if they didn't want to listen to a preacher for an hour but might be willing to watch 15 minutes of facts & evidence from a former champion athlete, or famous model, or successful business owner, or father of 3 children that all stayed out of trouble & never did drugs, who might say just enough evidence to help them lean towards believing in The Creator, it is worth a try sending them this video even though I didn't have time to make it as professionally as I wanted to. I decided it was more important to get the information out as fast as possible because someone could have been saved during the time I was trying to make everything as good as I want it to be.  



That Worked For Me And Others


1)  Keep busy, preferably doing something for The Creator or accomplishing personal goals, & that will help you forget to watch porn.

2)  Stop & think about how sad or sick you would feel if that was your daughter or son or mother or father in the porn.

3)  I would literally slap my face to turn away, or quietly say no & turn away & force myself to think of something else to do & then do it.

4)  Force yourself to stop & think so you can admire how clean & pure virginity is & then ask yourself why you would desire the porn actor. 

5)  Imagine several people putting bodily fluids on your toothbrush & then using it because that would be like kissing a porn actor.

6)  Force yourself to remember that millions of germs are contracted from each new partner so why would you desire a porn actor.

7)  Look at your spouse & smile with relief knowing that marriage saves you from millions of germs from people you would not want to kiss.

8)  Abstaining will feel like a weight off your back because you don't have to sneak or hide what you're looking at or worry being caught.  

9)  Face your computer screen where others can see it at work & at home & if there are too many distractions use soft earplugs.

10)  Get a stationary bike or treadmill & watch something entertaining enough to help endure a 45-minute workout.

11)  There aren't enough hours in a day if you volunteer at church, help elderly or single parents, or work on goals.


1)  Learn from my mistake of wanting & getting fame, 99% resented or acted like they didn't care or that I wasn't famous, including family.
2)  Fortune isn't worth sinning for, or trading for being there to raise your children while they're young, so I was practically there 15/5 & 24/2.
3)  Think about it, fame brings people that want you for selfish reasons or resent you or want to bring you down, until you just want to hide
4)  Think longer, why waste life seeking $ way beyond necessary for comfortable living if death just gives it all to people who didn't love u?
5)  Only about 1% of friends or family know half the famous things I did & over 90% never asked or said they were proud of me so...
6)  I basically have every toy I've wanted & tried to eat food at different places daily but only really like 5% of the food & forget about the toys
7)  A major reason I worked for fame & fortune was because, as mentioned in the video, I was poor & unwanted by girls. If you have a good reason & still want fame & fortune, I found out that The Creator does not want us to seek self-glorification or money because the only thing that should be glorified is Him, & because those things are like drugs that are very hard to stop chasing. I might have been allowed to experience those things because The Creator knew I would be strong enough to resist chasing them for too long, and/or because He knew it would not go to my head since I was a top jock & popular but still said hi to everyone including studious & unpopular kids at school, unlike everyone else I noticed who was conceited for whatever reasons, and/or because He knew I would end up doing more Bible study than others so He chose to grant my desires. I have the time/health/$ to chase more fame & fortune now but have no desire to after experiencing them, as evidenced by spending my time running this non-profit. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?  -Matthew 16:26


1)  Try to never let your children escape the consequences of bad behavior & teach them to work for what they want.
2)  Try to Homeschool & only let your children hang out with Christians.
3)  Try to give the vulnerable as little spending money as possible so they can't afford drugs.
4)  One reason I never did drugs is because I didn't have enough extra money until I was older & wiser.
5)  Another reason I never did drugs is because my mom taught me to not break rules or laws & drugs were illegal.
6)  Write down your major goals & move far away from your drug suppliers & focus on The Creator & then your goals.
7)  The busier you keep yourself, the faster the day will fly by, so the less you can even think about drugs.


1)  Do NOT date non-Christians, & date as long as possible so you have a better chance to see their true character.
2)  Do NOT choose dates by looks/sexiness more than character, you won't want to look at them if they treat you bad.
3)  Divorce court shares income & lots of other private information with exes & enemies & anyone else sitting in court.
4)  One of the biggest causes of divorce is selfishness, so work together to be less, then improve other things asap.
5)  Look at your spouse & smile with relief knowing that marriage saves you from billions of germs from strangers.
6)  Try not to take your spouse for granted. Watch marriage reality shows to remind yourself how bad spouses can be.
7)  Try to stay in reality.  Look in the mirror & if your looks are declining, realize you don't deserve younger & better

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